IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy

This policy sets out the Skylink network criteria design for global code of ethics.

Effective: 20 January 2020


This policy sets out Skylink Network IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy.


This policy applies to everyone who works for Skylink network in any capacity, full-time, part-time or casual, including temporary employees and contractors.


Skylink Network IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy promotes the efficient, ethical, and lawful use of IT resources. Protecting and preserving the organization’s IT resources are parts of cooperative efforts, which require each member of the Skylink community to act responsibly and guard against any abuses.


Skylink Network provides a framework for use of IT environment to support Skylink business operations.


Any malpractices that violate Skylink Network policies; compromise confidentiality and privacy of our information; threaten the integrity of our systems; or are harassing, abusive, illegal, discriminatory, unsafe to our personals, or in any way disruptive in their obligations to the Network– are prohibited.

Unacceptable Use

Our personals are prohibited from using Skylink Network systems or resources for activities having or likely to have any of the following characteristics:

  • Meaning to gain any unauthorized access to Skylink IT network restricted areas and resources.
  • Using data-interception, hacking, password-detection, or similar software or devices.
  • Knowingly access or try to access unauthorized data.
  • Introducing any form of spyware, computer virus, or other potentially malicious software, recklessly or deliberately.

Any breach of industry good practice that is likely to damage the reputation of the Skylink is unambiguously regarded as unacceptable use of the Skylink Network. Our employees, contractors, and sub-contractors must not misuse Skylink Network IT resources. Following guidelines are provided:

  • Skylink Network sets up secure remote connections to restrict personal devices to integrate in the official IT system.
  • Skylink Network denies IT access to unauthorized users and use of public Wi-Fi on company devices.
  • We have defined rules for secure and strong passwords. The employees are not allowed to share credentials and must change them very often (at least once a month). We also encourage using two-factor authentication.
  • We urge creating schedules for running software updates and anti-malware and antivirus.
  • Skylink discourages wasting resources and staff must not alter, corrupt, or destroy another user’s data without authorization.
  • Approvals must be obtained before undertaking commercial activities, even if they are for Skylink Network business.
  • Employees must not participate in online gambling or similar activities for personal business or profit.
  • Employees must not open unsolicited or suspicious email attachments or links. We ask employees forward copies of suspicious emails for review and then mark them as spam.
  • Social media is susceptible to malware and phishing. We do not allow using social media on company devices unless it is for official reasons.
  • Skylink Network restricts all activities illegal under local or international or any relevant laws.
  • Employees must never disseminate any obscene, indecent, or unlawful images, data, or material. This includes defamatory, obscene, threatening, offensive, discriminatory, radical, or extremist views or ideas.


The IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy shall be implemented by the Network Administrator/ Designated Personnel to maintain security measurements set out within the Skylink Network.

Compliance and Review

The Administration is responsible for establishing, overseeing, and assessing achievement against measurable objectives in relation to goals set out in this policy.

The Human Resources and Compliance Department is responsible for all other objectives and initiatives set out in this policy.

Infringement of this Policy

Skylink network has a long-standing commitment to conduct our business in compliance with all applicable local and international laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest ethical business principles and any violations of the policy will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of personnel/contract cancellation.

Further Information

For further information, contact with the Network Administrator or Compliance Administrator.